Sunday, June 30, 2013

1 week away from Surgery!

1 week away from my surgery. 
 I am ready for the surgery on one hand because it is one of the last big steps to my recovery. 

However, I have a lot of mixed feelings.
I am nervous about the actual surgery and the end result? 
I am excited to be having the reconstruction, scared to have another surgery and being put under again, 
dreading the rehab and pain,  
uphappy that I have to leave work for a few days and 
leave it all to Tom, happy that I have the opportunity to even make the choice of having reconstruction
hating the fact that for a few months I have to sleep on my back..because I am a side sleeper, which means 
I will not sleep well.

I still have surgery ahead of me, but this one, was a big one. 
I will have both sides fixed at the same time. 
July 8th, Surgery 3 hours.... if everything goes right. 

I appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts for a smooth and successful surgery.


  1. All my love, hugs, thoughts, prayers, and energy will be with you as you and God heal your body. You are still moving in the right direction and that is forward. I love you Kelly. Melissa

  2. Just ducky......sounds like fun!! I would like to print your story in our newsletter. It was sooooo much fun to read. Love you....Melissa
