Monday, January 13, 2014

Goodbye 2013....Hello new beginning!

2013 I gladly leave you behind.................goodbye.............
I will NOT miss you!
The doctor appointments every 3 weeks , the 3 hour Herceptin treatments every 3 weeks , the heart checkups every 3 months.
Wow now that's a bunch of 3's.
 HOORAY,  I am done!

2014 my NEW beginning. 

 I feel good. 
I still have good and bad days, but the bad days are further apart than they use to be. 
And the bad day usually follows - me DOING too much for several days in a row and it catches up with me. And of course when it hits – it hits pretty hard. 
However, I am so happy and grateful to be through with all the other, that the fatigue seems like a small thing.   
Oh sure I still have quarterly check ups and occasional EKG or pet scan, 
but less doctor appointments and tests. Every quarter this year.

I am focusing on my health. I am back to doing yoga regularly, and I meditate. Tom and I eat differently now, very few refined carbs, very little bread or pasta, 
we eat mostly protein, veggies and fruit. 
Oh sure we still eat some of the other, it is just a Treat, not our everyday menu.

They tell me to be patient with my recovery and I am trying to do that. 
But is is hard. I want to be back to my normal self. NO I want to be better than my old self.
I am looking forward to every day and every hour of 2014. 
I am grateful for my new beginning! 

I am grateful for my family, my friends and my faith. All of which have carried me, motivated me, loved me, and supported me every step of the way.