Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I named this page "Survivor" Kelly's Cancer Island because,

I love the TV reality show "Survivor". I  have watched every season from the very beginning. My husband even applied to go on, I think around the 3rd season. He did not get selected as a contestant – but if we could swing it, he would do it in a heartbeat. 

 However, I  am playing a more personal version and I intend to 
 I may not win a million bucks, but I know it will feel like I have won a million, when I beat this! 

       Sometimes I feel like I am on an ISLAND and no one else is there. Cancer can be that isolating even when you have loved ones around. 
        All the things you read and hear, the fears you have every minute of the day, cannot be shared entirely. You find you cannot say every little thought – every crazy absurd thing you think of or you would bring everyone down.
        You are afraid to voice your fears to people who ask how you are? 
But inside you want to scream “ I am scared” . But you don’t. All that would do is make that person feel like they have to fix you. And they cannot fix you. So some things are better left unsaid. 
So I am alone with so many of my thoughts and feelings.
        I cannot stop thinking about it, because I am trying to be a survivor…. therefore I must read. I read to gain knowledge about my disease and surgery and I read things that are frightening. I read things that are hopeful. I read to learn how I can beat this disease without causing another life threatening health problem. So many thoughts swimming in my head......
     I know I am not alone - I am blessed.....I have great family support and wonderful friends, I am grateful – but there are times when you feel all alone. 
        I must say if you are ever dealing with a catastrophic illness, lean on your family and friends - they are a VERY big part of keeping you grounded, motivated and hopeful. I appreciate them all! 

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