Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My vanity - Out the WINDOW !!

Well if you think going bald ....
would knock your vanity right 
out the window, 
Wait until you have NO eyelashes and your eyes water all day long.....so you cannot wear any makeup, because it is wiped off within an hour. 
I have to continually dab the water from my eyes, so they stay swollen and red. 
They tear so bad I cannot read or write, until I wipe the eyes again. 
My tear ducts are over-tearing ( a side effect). It looks like I am constantly crying.

It is embarrassing when helping a customer and I have to hand them the service order, 
cuz ......I cannot see through my watery eyes to write. Uggggggggggggg !

  So now I am a pasty white,
bald, teary faced, 
no makeup, 
puffy red eyed lady!
recognize this woman in the mirror.  
 I am sure my husband doesn’t !!

I cannot do anything about it. I can’t stop the watery eyes or the bald thing, 
So suck it up Kelly. 
You know “ Pull up your BIG girl panties and deal with it!!" 

I know one day I will look in the mirror and a new divinely evolved ME will be looking back at me. I am anxious to meet her. 

Can it please be tomorrow ??

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