Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The ICE worked !! Let other cancer survivors know !

The ICE worked for me. In preventing neuropathy pain !!

FYI I did decide to go ahead with my fifth and sixth chemo treatments. 
I talked with my Doctor and we decided I had a few options if the neuropathy gets bad 
again after the 5th treatment. 
 I also asked her about, using ice on my fingers and toes while I am getting the 
chemo drug taxotere (One of the chemo drugs known to cause neuropathy). 
She said that it was okay to do, but had not heard of anyone having success with it? 
I also asked a couple nurses, one rolled her eyes as if to say “ don’t bother”. The other nurse said “ I would try anything. As long as Dr said it is okay. "Go for it” What can it hurt?

WELL…………..The ICE worked !   At least so far!
It was not fun holding ice on my fingers and toes for an hour, but so worth it!!

 I am 13 days out from #5 treatment. I do have a little pain in my fingers and toes. 
But NOTHING like the Fire filled PINS & NEEDLES and BRUISING pain I felt 
after treatment #4.  I am grateful.
I don't know if it will work for everyone, but certainly worth a try in my mind.
I have also been taking Alpha Lipoic acid, mentioned to help - 
on several websites and forums I found.

Thank you Lord for this easy prevention and small miracle ! 

Thank you to all our friends and family for holding our hands through this and for your continued support. 
The cards, emails, texts and visits are appreciated.

Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.!!


  1. I love that last bit of wisdom you posted....Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves!! Do you know how much sunshine you bring to my life?!?! Think about it Sister Girl! You are such an inspiration to me. When I find myself weighted down and immobilized by the death of my brother, I think of you, and how strong and stubborn you are right determined to power through this debilitating thing you are going through, and I feel ashamed of my weakness and I get off my butt and MOVE!!! Thank you for being such an inspiration to me every day! I love you. Lynette

  2. It is through the help and love from others that keep me going. Thank you Lynette for being there for me. Love ya, Kelly
