Sunday, April 7, 2013


Can you read my frustration ??

Exhaustion and muscle fatigue beyond anything I ever imagined. 
 I thought through my first 4 chemo treatments that I knew what exhausted was like. 
I went through the very tired days.  I experienced the exhaustion or so I THOUGHT !!
Now after my 5th treatment.... 
 I cannot walk up and down the stairs at work, without being winded. 
I try to take one more trip up & down, 
just for the exercise of it, and have to stop half way – completely worn out and winded beyond belief. 
My heart pounding out of my chest. 
My muscles get so fatigued I feel like my legs are going to give out from under me. 
REALLY give out !! 

No one realizes how many times during the day – I have to stop and rest.

Not even Tom. He is not with me every moment when I walk through the house. 
Or when I am at work and have to sit before I fall, because I have pushed myself too far.
I try to exercise, but even 10 reps of anything, does me in. 

             I tried to sweep my small front porch and clean it up a little this morning. I had to sit down and rest 4 times before I could finish even that. 
I want to plant some more onions and potatoes and can’t even bring myself to do that. Something I love. 
 My heart and mind cry every time I have to stop even the simplest chore. 
 I feel so useless. 
I feel like such an added burden to Tom, asking him to do the simplest things I used to be able to do. He does so much already. 

 I am very frustrated today. I soooo want ……my health back. 
I am going crazy not being able to do things.
It is a beautiful day out.!!
I want to help Tom pick up the broken limbs from the trees, do some cleaning of my flower pots, play in the dirt and plants some things. I want to clean some windows, sweep my deck and rake some hay in my garden. I want to get my deck ready for summer, put out my garden lights. 
INSTEAD I sit in this damn chair typing, because my legs are so worn out from sweeping the front porch, they feel like they will buckle out from under me…when I stand up. 
I carried 1 load of laundry to the laundry room. And I am doubled over from the physical stress of it. I have never ever imagined anything like this exhaustion. 
More than 
BONE tired, more than exhausted, more than extreme fatigue - this is totally debilitating. I am unable to do anything physical without extreme fatigue, pain and loss of use of those 
muscles I am using. 

I assume these symptoms are a combination of the chemo, neuropathy and my heart. 
OMG what motivation – I DO NOT want to live like this. 
I want my strong heart and body back. 
I want my muscles back, my health back. 
THIS IS SO SCARY. Did I say I feel useless. Well I do.
Yes.... I do some of the things I talked about. I have planted my strawberries and some onions. I did sweep my front porch. 
And I will continue to exercise what little I can, and do my chores. 
It will be just be doing what little I can – when I can – no pressure, no hurry. Tom has been wonderful and understanding. I am the only one putting the feelings of frustration on me. 

I sit and have thoughts of sadness and prayer for the people who have to live this much of a restricted life all the time - maybe because of their heart or diabetes, etc. I pray they find strength and renewed faith.
 I cannot imagine having to live this way forever. 
I pray with all my heart – that my strength will come back more than 100 % and that my heart stays healthy through all this. That this extreme debilitating weakness will be temporary like everyone says. 
I try to think positive and be positive, but some days I do sit and have my pity parties. I guess today is one of those days. 

I better make the time to meditate later  - which I know will help my mindset.
 I think I need to push a RESET button….


It's Sunday afternoon and I have my front door open, sitting in my chair.  I hear the birds singing, someone mowing grass off in the distance and it’s a beautiful 70 degrees, I am reminded to be grateful for the small things. 
And the rest will come !


  1. Hey sis your where I was when I was in my 5th week of radiation. It's hard because u don't want to let anyone else know how badly u really feel. We try to be strong for them. And that's really the last thing we need to do. It's time to let them be strong for you. Your going to get through this and who gives a crap whether ur front porch is stepped or the onions get planted those year. This is one year out of the rest of your life. Next year plant twice as many onions. This lasts about 2 weeks and then u will notice ur self getting stronger again. But I'll tell you it is a tough 2weeks but let the others around know how you feel and they will be able to help you get through this low point much easier than if you try to just tough it out by your self. You can and will do this sis and you will be amazed that you ever felt like there was anything that you couldn't do before. Stay strong it's just a moment in our lives.

  2. Kelly, listen to your brother! He is telling you exactly what my brother told me about his treatments. I know this is totally opposite to how you think and feel and have lived your life, but it is necessary right now, and as Tom said it IS temporary. Just please allow yourself this time of rest and let Tom and Jace take care of you. They love you, and they want so much to do this for you. I have said this before.....sometimes allowing others to "give" to you is the truest gift you can give to them. You are so close now to the time when you can recover and rebuild and move on. Let us all do these things for you. We love you, and you are SO worth a little extra effort on our parts!! Don't you know that in your innermost being?? Don't fight it....just let it be! I love you! Lynette
