Tuesday, January 29, 2013

To my Angels and Peeps !

Thank you to my ANGELS  and my PEEPS….
you know who you are!!

You have been praying, and going to Doctors visits with me, and sending books and cards. Donating $$. Calling me, texting me, and calling Tom too.

WE truly appreciate every ONE of you. Sometimes it just takes the smallest gesture from you that lifts us both up – so we can go on. 

And to my PEEPS, thank you for the donation of your time, I appreciate the company during those long drives and the moral support during my 
chemo treatments. 
Your cards, your time, your emails are all inspiring....thank you!!

To my husband and our son I thank you for the everyday things you do for me. Some may seem small and insignificant to you, 
but to me they all say "love". 
You are both the roots to my tree which is 
grounded in hope, love, positive thoughts and gratefulness.
I thank you for loving me and taking care of me. 

And yes if you read all my blog you will see this is a partial repeat THANK YOU from earlier (with added content). But I felt the need to re-publish my heartfelt thank yous!!


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