Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lumpectomy or Mastectomy - which do you want?

The Month of October  I spent reading. And waiting for my surgery and reading more. I have read everything I could, about the type of breast cancer I have. 

I have two types:
        Her2 positive and Estrogen positive. The most common types and the most known about. My doctor talked about a lumpectomy and I thought of course take as little as possible. Please, Please only take as little of my breast as we have to. Which he then explained would have to be followed by radiation, hormone therapy and possibly chemo. 
We would know more after surgery. I was relieved I did not have to have a mastectomy. I wanted my breast.

Then a friend mentioned a Breast cancer fundraiser luncheon I should attend– so I went, thinking I might learn something. BOY DID I !! After listening to the speaker and talking with her afterwards, she openly discussed her breast cancer and how she wishes she had made different decisions now.  She talked about how the radiation had diminished her chances for restoration. How she finally had to have them removed anyway because the cancer came back. Our 15 minute discussion, totally changed how I was thinking.
I went home and read some more and thought some more. Did some real soul searching about my breasts and how they do or don't define me as woman. Of course they define you as a woman - ask any man. So how do live, feel sexy and feminine without one or both breasts? I don't have the answers for that yet. I hope I do some day????????

That night I called a friend of a friend, who was a breast cancer survivor. We talked about her experience. She also made the comment about how she wished she had made different choices. Basically both women had lumpectomies and wish they had done mastectomy's.

So after many hours of reading more about radiation, many talks with my husband and many tears over the decisions I am having to make. I have decided on the mastectomy. Mainly because I am praying that my lymph nodes are clear and I will not have to have radiation. I have been a natural homeopathic person for 20 years. I hate the thought of poisoning my body with radiation and chemo. I will do everything I can to avoid them. Please pray for clear lymph nodes on Nov. 6th. 
I am grateful for your positive thoughts and prayers.

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